The mosaic, strongly represented as a traditional artistic craft, now is a medium that has been projected into the modern era and is treated in a similar way to the other recent artistic trends.
It’s here that fits my idea of artistic workshop where the mosaic art is a way of being, to live together different but extremly complementery elements among them.
For years I have dedicated ourselves to learning the various antique mosaic techniques and so are able to reproduce or refine them to produce a more modernistic style.
In my studios or in collaboration with architects or designers I can create to suit a customers personal requirements interior or exterior floor or wall mosaics, greeks frets, entrance o room centre rosette, modern decorative panels and reproductions of antiques works,artistic mosaics and sacred art, interio architecture with marble and urban furniture works.
All my creations are crafted using valuable materials such as marble, natural stones, vitreous paste and gold.
My other speciality is the insertion of marble inlays into wooden and wrought iron furniture. Dining and living room tables entrance, furniture and bookcases can all be given added elegance and uniqueness through these inlays.
In my workshop I can professionally create a gift or personal furniture item to suit your needs and each will be an original and unique work of art.
Now occupy a fundamental space in my career choices portraits.
I organize basic and advanced courses for groups or individuals.
Courses can take place either in my laboratory and in other locations if required by specific educational projects.